Playstation 4 - Cash Cow
I believe the PS4 is a cash cow for the simple fact that it's the latest version and has many updates (as most consoles do when coming out with a new version). In an article about the console on by Grant Brunner, just last year "from July to September PS4 sold 4 million units". It was believed to be one of the most anticipated consoles coming out apparently people felt the need to have it. Grant continued "PS4 is the lead platform this generation" and that "PS4 is more powerful and more popular."
Mobile - Star
Mr. Peter Benson touched on the topic of the rise of mobile gaming in his article from He mentioned how it's not all about pushing the limits and that sometimes simplicity is endearing to customers. "Due to mobile games' convenience and accessibility, they will likely continue to dominate the gaming market." It's also being speculated that because of the rise of mobile gaming, that it will set off another video game crash.
Wii-U - Dog
From day one, I personally believed that this concole wasn't going to go very far. Nintendo has been pretty wishy washy with their games most of which were hardly ever that great. You may have a few people around the world who enjoy it or could tolerate it, but apparently it just isn't enough to have made it as big as expected. On, Louis Bedigian noted that Nintendo released the 3DS with no good games and a high price of $249.99. Because of that, they were forced to cut the price well ahead of schedule. "The company lost its cash cow - the handheld market - and saw its market cap drop down 50% in the following months." Based on that, they were desperate to come out with something new, the Wii-U. Unfortunately, it was the downfall of Nintendo. They continued to attempt to come out with games and each not all that successful. The sales were well under 1 million in North America, Japan and Europe. "Most consumers don't care about that series." (referencing the Pikmin brand)
Virtual Reality - Question Mark
Richard Wordsworth made his point on where "while playing, gamers can walk, run, sidestep, jump and crouch - the complete first-person athlete's repertoire." It seems all great and we all know that it's been one thing the world has been waiting on but one thing I know for sure that's on everyone's much is it going to cost? Specifically, as of now, we're dealing with Omni, Rift and the PrioVR sensor rig and all that has been estimated to be over $1k. Of course, that's just right now and being that Sony recently just came out with a VR headset as well, Rift will most likely have to drop the price or "the VR set-ups will have to start doing more than just letting us romp around in video games. So who really knows about where virtual reality games will really lead us. Will it in fact be a big hit or will it just become another anticipated model turned disappointment?
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